
A partnership for educational innovation

Asistencia por QR Facultad de Artes UNLP

At QKStudio we are passionate about developing technological solutions for various fields, including education. That’s why, when the Cátedra Tecnología 2B of the Faculty of Arts of the National University of La Plata approached us with the idea of innovating the attendance register of their students, we were instantly excited. We know that the use of digital tools can make a big difference in the efficiency and accuracy of educational processes. Therefore, we enthusiastically accepted the challenge of co-creating a system that would optimize the Faculty of Arts’ attendance intake process.

During the years 2020 and 2021, the pandemic forced the faculties to adapt to new ways of teaching and learning, which resulted in a significant increase of new students joining the university community, aware of this growth, we have thought about how to solve the problem of taking attendance in classrooms with a large number of students, seeking to make the process more efficient and allowing teachers to control the attendance in the face of continuous evaluations.

The initiative consisted of developing an attendance registration system using plastic cards with QR codes. Each student received his/her own card, which is scanned by the teacher through a mobile device to register his/her presence in the classroom, so that the student does not need to have a modern device or internet access on his/her cell phone, but simply to have his/her card at hand.

This system, although currently an MVP*, was implemented for the first time in a public university, and has had a very good impact on the educational community. Teachers can take attendance quickly and conveniently, without delaying the normal delivery of classes, and students have the peace of mind that their presence is securely and accurately recorded.

In addition, the system allows to generate alerts in case of possible loss of the subject due to accumulated absences, or directly allows to mark repeated absences in order to change the student’s status. Not only that, but it also allows to collect more data for later reports, since the system exports Excel spreadsheets with course information.

We are very happy to have been part of this innovative project that seeks to improve education through the use of technology. Best of all, the professors of the Chair are very enthusiastic about the possibility that this system can be used in all the Faculties of the UNLP, integrating it to the SIU Guarani*. In this way, with only one identification card per student, the attendance to each subject that makes up each career of the Faculties of the UNLP would be registered. At QKStudio, we continue to work on the development of innovative technological solutions to improve education and other areas of society.

In the press:

Una cátedra de la UNLP implementó un registro de asistencia mediante códigos QR – Ámbito
Una cátedra de la UNLP puso en marcha un registro de asistencia mediante códigos QR – 0221
En una cátedra de la UNLP los estudiantes ya pueden dar el presente con código QR – El Día
Una cátedra de la UNLP implementó un registro de asistencia mediante códigos QR – La Capital de Mar del Plata
Por primera vez en una universidad pública, una cátedra de la Facultad de Artes registra la asistencia de sus estudiantes con códigos QR – Info blanco sobre negro
Innovación en la Facultad de Artes: crearon un sistema de toma de asistencia con QR – Info Platense

*Minimum Viable Product.
*It is the academic management system that enables the registration of activities and allows direct access to information in a secure, complete and consistent manner through the UNLP web.

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