
QKStudio 2020 Sadosky Award Winning for our Solution for commerce and services

QKStudio 2020 Sadosky Award Winning

In a 100% digital ceremony organized by the CESSI, the 2020 Sadosky Awards gathered. At this event, our Gas Detector initiative with Internet of Things (IoT) won the most important award given by the Argentine Software Industry in the categorySolution for commerce and services. The award-winning app applies the “Internet of Things” concept to home security using smart sensors, to achieve the digital interconnection of a gas detector with a mobile application specially designed for home users.

The app aims to mitigate possible poisoning deaths that occur especially in the winter months, either with monoxide or methane, as well as detecting temperature, it could also potentially prevent a fire. The gas detectors that are currently available on the market have local “buzzers”, which warn “in-situ” of a possible incident, the improvement that our application introduces is that it allows to have control from a distance, being able to have remotely monitored homes with the elderly, children or even for the protection of pets, having absolute knowledge of the concentration levels of Carbon Monoxide, Methane and the Temperature in the environments of any place (home, business, office, etc.).

The timing of the announcement of the 2020 Sadosky Award for Solution for commerce and services

The motivation for the development of the application had to do with two factors, mainly the search for a positive impact on people’s lives, since as constant collaborators of the company PreventGas, we know that each year, between the months of autumn and winter, more than 2,000 consultations are registered for cases of exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) in the Toxicological Information, Advice and Assistance Centers of Argentina, many of them serious . It is estimated at more than 200 annual deaths caused by the inhalation of this poisonous gas in our country, understanding that all of them are even more preventable if we add technology to protect people and pets from possible poisonings or explosions.

Second, the evolution and innovation in the field of sensors that allow detecting a wider range of situations, led to the launch of a new product from PreventGaswith greater technical possibilities of connection with other devices, managing to adopt a new perspective for the growth of its products, advancing on IoT (Internet of Things).

QKStudio Preventgas APP - Add device
Add new gas detector device

Internet of things (IoT) and smart sensors

The internet of things is a concept that refers to a digital interconnection of everyday objects with the internet. In 2019 we began to diagram together with PreventGas the development of a simple web platform and mobile application designed for home users, with an intuitive interface to carry out the monitoring of the different gas detectors, with intelligent alarms, allowing the user to fully monitor and control gases that may be harmful to your health.

This application is part of a more ambitious project that includes a complete platform for measuring and analyzing information on gas detectors installed in the homes of users of gas distributors.

Guided device configuration through a step-form and QR

Smart Sensors

Preventgas detectors have a Wifi chip programmed in Arduino and C + that allow the detector to start in Access Point mode and the Wifi network can be configured through the App. Once the detector is registered, it begins to send the information it records every 20 seconds to the Preventgas platform.

Communication takes place from the gas device to the company’s server, where all measurements are stored in a database.

Sensor configuration in different environments

The App PreventGas

The App was designed to have a pleasant user experience, with an intuitive and simple interface to be able to quickly configure the detectors and then easily monitor them.

Through simple graphics, similar to those of a car dashboard, the app allows the user to control the concentration levels of Carbon Monoxide, Methaneand the Temperatureof the environments that are monitored, from any place and time through from your mobile device.

List of configured Detectors, and Methane, Monoxide and Temperature values

The application has a smart early warning system, with two types of alarms, push notifications by telephone and via email, both related to the reference values ​​of gases in the environment, which when exceeded, trigger alerts that will allow rapid actions to be taken seeking to minimize the number of domestic accidents due to cause of gas.

Alerts and notifications system of the App

Based on the concept of “IoT”, the application offers the following benefits to home users:

  • Movility. The use of the application remotely, allows monitoring all kinds of places that may be inhabited or uninhabited, Apartments, Houses, Cabins, weekend and summer houses, Garages, Shops, Offices, Restaurants, Hospitals, Geriatric, etc.
  • New IoT user experiences. The IoT User Experience (UX) covers a wide range of design technologies and techniques. It is based on four factors: new sensors, new algorithms, new architectures of experiences and contexts, and experiences of social awareness. This application adopts this new perspective in search of an improvement in the safety of older adults who live alone or far from their relatives, as well as that of children, adolescents or pets who are left alone during work hours, minimizing the amount of gas related accidents.
  • Tranquility The application designed to give an alarm before the loss of gas reaches dangerous concentrations, allows quick actions aimed at avoiding risks thanks to its intelligent early warning system.
  • Long service life. The app and the detector are practically maintenance-free, it is recommended that the user perform a test every six (6) months to maintain the ambient measurements and an annual recalibration.
  • Easy installation, with a configuration designed for the incorporation of several detectors, a guided user experience was created, using all the design resources to facilitate the process for the user.
  • Future Mandatory. Currently there are bills in Argentina that seek to promote the obligatory nature of the installation of gas detectors in those new works that require the end of the work.

About the Award

CESSI, the Chamber of the Argentine Software Industry, launches the 16th edition of the Sadosky Awards, a sociocultural and non-profit initiative carried out with the aim of honoring the best values, effort and dedication in the industry .

The award was organized by the CESSI Board of Directors, who devised the project with the aim of paying tribute to Manuel Sadosky, scientist and promoter of computer science in our country. Since it was launched, it has singled out those members of the Industry who, with their work and performance, contribute year after year to the growth of software and the knowledge economy in any of its strategic axes.

About QKStudio

At QKStudio we create digital products for companies and organizations that choose to digitally transform the experience of their people and their customers. We develop mobile apps, web apps, websites and design experiences since 2007, innovating with new platforms for brands and clients.

We are a work team made up of top-level designers and developers, who make their clients differentiate themselves thanks to our functional, innovative and high-quality digital solutions.

We work together with our clients, building solid and trustworthy links, this allows us to identify opportunities and create the products that turn those opportunities into achievements.

About PreventGas

PreventGas is a company that manufactures fixed and portable gas detector systems since 1990, being leaders in the Argentine market working with leading companies such as gas distributors, oil companies, public services, agro-industries, food, fire system installers, and turn exporting its products to countries in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

The extensive experience of PreventGas working with gas distributors, allowed it to achieve excellent operating results for more than 15 years, resulting in a massive market penetration with its gas detectors of about 100,000 installed units. The company’s aforementioned detectors have quality controls, technical and continuous service, have the required quality assurance, certifications and approvals, and are manufactured following strict quality procedures under ISO-9001.

External references

Who won the 2020 Sadosky Awards? The IT world had a day of celebration with the Sadosky Awards Celebrate: QKStudio, Sadosky winners

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